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The Lyrids is a medium strength shower that usually produces good rates for three nights centered on the maximum. These meteors also usually lack persistent trains but can produce fireballs.… Read More »Lyrids

Virtual Star Party


At this event, we'll be focusing mainly on Virgo Cluster galaxies, as these are currently high in the sky. Chad Leader and Conrad Terrill will be doing the imaging from… Read More »Virtual Star Party

Eta Aquariids

The Eta Aquariids are a strong shower when viewed from the southern hemisphere. From the equator northward, they usually only produce medium rates of 10–30 per hour just before dawn.… Read More »Eta Aquariids

Astronomy Day

Astronomy Day is a biannual event held in the United States and other countries. It is intended to promote interest in astronomy and interaction between the general public and various… Read More »Astronomy Day

Lunar Eclipse

A total lunar eclipse will take place on the morning of May 26. Unfortunately, the moon will set for viewers in the eastern US before totality is reached. The farther… Read More »Lunar Eclipse

Alpha Capricornids

The Alpha Capricornids are active from July 3–August 15 with a maximum centered on July 28. This shower is not very strong and rarely produces in excess of five shower… Read More »Alpha Capricornids