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Astronomy Day
May 18, 2024
Astronomy Day is a grass roots movement designed to share the joy of astronomy with the general population. It’s motto is “Bringing Astronomy to the People.” On Astronomy Day, thousands of people who have never looked through a telescope will have an opportunity to see first-hand what has so many amateur and professional astronomers so excited. Astronomy clubs, science museums, observatories, universities, planetariums, laboratories, libraries, and nature centers host special events and activities to acquaint their population with local astronomical resources and facilities. Many of these events are located at non-astronomical sites; shopping malls, parks, urban centers—truly bringing astronomy to the people. It is an astronomical public-relations event that helps highlight ways the general public can get involved with astronomy—or at least get some of their questions about astronomy answered. Astronomy Week encompasses Astronomy Day, starting on the previous Monday and ending on the following Sunday.
The Astronomical Society of Greenbelt will be participating in Astronomy Day by holding a star party that evening at the City of Greenbelt Observatory.